Next Step #1: Observation
YOU may have observed some concerning behavior in your child which makes you realize action is necessary in order to begin moving in a direction of wellness.
OR your child has come to you --consider it serious! I found it means, “please help me”. They need your attention, care, and most of all love, gentleness, and understanding to help them out of this.
IMPORTANT: if your child has or is engaged in self harm or has suicide ideations, Take immediate action. Don’t be afraid to get them to a professional or hospital, even if they don’t agree.
Any unusual changes in mood, behavior, learning or lifestyle for an extended period of time, or enough time to notice your child is not right, such as:
Sad or withdrawn, crying regularly, extreme frustration, feeling fatigued, unmotivated.
Sudden overwhelming episodes of fear for no reason, sometimes with a racing heart, physical discomfort, or fast breathing. May appear as a panic attack.
Intense worries or fears that get in the way of daily activities like hanging out with friends, attending school, or going to work.
Not wanting to socialize when they are known for being social.
Issues with sleep habits. Excessive sleeping, or can’t get out of bed in the morning, or insomnia.
Problems with relationships and keeping friends, or change of friends.
Self-harm. Unusual marks on any part of the body.
Skipping or not eating meals, losing weight, or overeating/weight gain.
Drastic changes in personality and/or risky and dangerous behavior.
Repeated use of drugs or alcohol.
Trouble sitting still or extreme pacing.
Not able to stay engaged in a conversation. Difficulty processing simple information or instructions.
Poor hygiene.
Drastic change of dress and appearance.
Faith based changes
Drastic change in how they feel about God.
Don’t want to pray or be prayed for.
Resisting youth group involvement.
Not wanting to attend church with family.
Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255