Our Journey
We lost our beautiful daughter Bella the summer of 2019 due to mental health conditions that she had battled for years.
We journeyed and prayed with Bella through multiple therapies, treatment centers, medications, supplements, and nutritional changes. Her overwhelming struggles with clinical anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder left us shocked. Rather than improving, she seemed to be getting worse every day. We knew there had to be something we just couldn’t see. What was hiding behind it all?
We decided to change our search from focusing on the struggle itself to focusing on what could be causing the struggle. Extensive blood panels revealed vitamin deficiencies and a genetic mutation as well as testing that revealed heavy metal toxicity. We learned of the effects of injuries to the brain, such as disruption to hormones, an inability to accurately process thoughts, and destabilization of emotions.
Finally, we learned about brain mapping which revealed three brain injuries — starting with a distressed birth, and something as simple and common as falling backwards in a chair banging her head and later falling from a tree had left its mark. Even years of bullying left traces causing trauma to her brain.
So we changed direction immediately, believing we were finally on the right track.
Unfortunately, we found that track too late. Our beauty gave up, tragically ending her own life because she’d had such a long and painful journey. She just couldn’t grasp hope for a positive ending.
Isabella “Bella” Rose Negrotto